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Project Overview



Simulation Virtual Reality

Simulation Virtual Reality is an artificial environment which provides sensory stimuli such as computer-generated sound and tactile effects which are affected by a person’s actions.



Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a live view of a physical realistic environment, which is directly or indirectly supplemented by computer-generated sensory input which could include sound, video, graphics or GPS data. The environment that the user is placed in then becomes interactive and digitally altered and overlays the user’s initial perception of reality such that the user is subsumed into this alternative computer-generated reality.



Virtual reality and augmented reality are the at the forefront of our current digital imaging technology. From 3D goggles that track head movement to the upcoming Google Glass, this technology has the potential to help mankind head forward. Our website, which is done as coursework for our Technology and World Change course in Singapore Management University, will be covering the positive ways that virtual reality and augmented reality has impacted our lives and the implications that follow from this technology.

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